Legal Information

Certificate of Incorporation, Terms and Conditions, Privacy Policy, and Risk Disclosure Statement.

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Our Legal Information

PRIME FINANCE LIMITED (Company No: 8172444) was incorporated on 23 Mar 2021 in New Zealand. The company is located at Edward Wright, 3.6, 1 Cleveland Road, Parnell, Auckland, 1052, New Zealand. The registration process involves submitting the company's details and paying the necessary fees. We followed this process and provided information such as the company's name, registered office address, details of its directors and shareholders, and its business activities. Once the registration was completed, the New Zealand Companies Office issued a Certificate of Incorporation. This certificate serves as proof that the company has been legally registered and recognized as a separate legal entity under New Zealand law.

As a registered company, we comply with the New Zealand's legal and regulatory requirements. This includes filing annual financial statements and other reports with the New Zealand Companies Office, and adhering to various laws and regulations related to securities, taxation, and other business practices.The fact that we has been issued a Certificate of Incorporation by the New Zealand government indicates that the company has met the necessary legal and regulatory requirements to operate as a legitimate business in New Zealand. This would provide reassurance to potential investors that the company is a CREDIBLE and TRUSTWORTHY investment opportunity.

Registered Info

Privacy Policy

The company will collect personal information such as name, address, email, and financial information for investment purposes. The collected information will be securely stored and protected from unauthorized access. The company may use collected information to send updates, promotional material and other relevant information, but investors have the option to opt-out of such communications. The company will not sell or share personal information to third-party companies without explicit consent from the investor.

Terms And Conditions

Investors must be of legal age and meet the necessary eligibility requirements to invest. Investors are responsible for the accuracy of their personal information and must keep it up-to-date. The company will not be responsible for any losses or damages incurred from investments made through the platform. Investors must comply with all relevant laws and regulations when using the platform. The company strives to provide accurate information, but does not guarantee the accuracy or completeness of any information provided. The company reserves the right to modify or terminate its services at any time without prior notice.

Anti-Spam Policy

The company strictly prohibits sending unsolicited emails, messages or any other forms of spam. Investors found to be engaging in spam activities will have their accounts terminated without prior notice. The company may take legal action against those who engage in spam activities and violate the anti-spam policy.

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